Pain in my feet…can anyone relate?

(2 discussions)

I run 4 times a week…. after a run I had throbbing achy pain on my heel and up along side my feet. It’s worst in the morning.
I’ve been resting now for 3 days,put ice on it, and elevated them. Any opinions on what it could be and any advice for exercising options….thank you!!

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    9 10

    Plantar fasciitis is easily treatable. First, ice after every run. It may be wise to decrease your running miles to get some quicker relief in the beginning. Secondly, find out the cause. Do you need to replace your shoes, are your shoes right for you, are you overpronating, are you running on hard or uneven surfaces? Orthotics may help. Have you had your gait analyzed? This may be worthwhile and save you a lot of problems in the future. Third, how is your flexibility? Tight calves can contribute to plantar fasciitis. Do some gentle stretching of your calves, 3-5 times a day- especially before bed. Also, ice before bed. This can help with some of the pain in the morning. Be sure to treat this now and adjust your running/activities based on the pain. If the pain is increasing, decrease your activity level! Plantar fasciitis can turn into heel spurs and other unruly things if ignored! If anything, find the cause and treat the cause so that in the future you will not have to deal with the symptoms!


    9 10

    The only thing I would suggest is to see a podiatrist, he/she might have you fitted for orthotics. If he/she has you fitted for orthotics, be prepared to fork up alot of money. I have possible shin splints, I might have to pay $300 – $600 for orthotics. Plantar faciitis is not fun at all. Therapy might help as well. When I had pf, I was told to wear shoes at all times, except when in bed and in shower, no slippers, just shoes.


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