Patello femoral malalignment with tibial tubercle anteromedialization

I recently underwent a surgery (osteotomy realignment) to correct a patellofemoral malalignment on my right knee adn at the same time, a tibial tubercle anteromedialization to remove a large knot from the tibia caused by osgood schlatter’s. A similiar procedure (not the tibial tubercle antermedialization) was peformed on my left knee about 5 months ago by the same doctor at the same medical facility.
I underwent 4 months of physical therapy where I regained my range of motion by basic range of motion exercises. To regain full range of motion it took me 6 weeks using exercises such as heel slides, and bike against no resistance.
I then began restrengthening exercises.Well, 5 days out from surgery now, and physical therapy decided to treat my recovery differently, and my technician, decided to bend my knee against the force of his own body.
My knee felt as if it was having parts torn from the inside when he did this.
He took me to a little over 90 degrees, when the previous times I had barely made 30 and 45 degrees respectively. After the “treatment” my knee throbbed even after having ice placed on it for 30 minutes using a cryo cuff and a bag of ice placed behind the knee.
After arriving home I continued to treat with an ice pack. After another hour or so the throbbing subsided.
I went to bed and slept as usual with my leg propped up on two pillows with my rang of motion braced locked in the straight position (Dr’s orders).
When I awoke this morning with severe I pain I noticed that my knee was swelling more than it had previously.
The pain was more intense and seemed like it was being roasted on a grill.
My question is if “being bent” is normal therapy for such a surgery, and if it is why is it that it was not done on the previous knee?

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    I underwent a patello-femoral reconstuction in November, and I still don’t have the full use and full strength in my quad. Its driving me insane. I previously had my knee cap “butchered” by a “surgeon” (he is only a GP) and it took about 4 months for the strength to come back from this “surgery”. Then, a month later, I had the initial problem fixed correctly (but it can’t repair the damage already done to my kneecap). I have exercised and only recently can I do unweighted leg extensions. I still can’t go up or down stairs, skip, run, squat…. What is going on?


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