Peripheral Neuropathy

I have had peripheral neuropathy in both feet for about 6 years.
They are only numb from the balls of the feet forward (not numb on top of the toes).
When I’m on my feet for a long time the balls hurt.
It almost always feels like I’m walking on a marble floor.
I have a size 14 shoe, and for a long time I wore size 12 because that is all you could buy on the shelf.
My feet hurt like crazy when I took my shoes off at night.
Eventually they went numb.
I recently bought a foot messager and I notice that it hurts when the messager hits the area between the third and 4th toe.
Is it possible that wearing these too tight shoes cause a neuroma?
Do neuromas happen in BOTH feet?
My doctor gave me some B vitamins but says there is nothing that can be done.
Is the nerve damaged forever?
It is very agrivating.
Just had a blood sugar, no diabetes.
What about cortisone shots?
Any advice would be appreciated.

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1 Comment found

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    Without examining you, I can not be certain. The symptoms you describe can be related to a Morton’s neuroma. Yes, it is possible to have them in both feet. It is very frequently related to too tight shoes. I recommend you see a podiatrist for further information.


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