Permanent charley horse & spasms in Calf HELP

I had knee surgery in Dec.(scoped, removed inflamed tissue around the patella, carved out the tracking). Injured in soccer twice within 3 wks. Had P/T for 9 mos. and am left with a problem in my calf. Had some tightning in my calf after surgery and in Feb. the calf felt very tight. During P/T heard a pop and the sensation of heat and fluid. Drs. advised P/T to do deep muscle massages and by the end of February during a massage a nerve or muscle was set off and I was left with spasms. I have a knot on my calf and one on the lower rt front of my leg. Had many tests and no one can give me an answer..Ruptured plantaris muscle? (Should have healed by now)..Was on Zanaflex and now on Neurontin..I can’t play soccer at all and I am in constant pain..Can anyone offer any help..I am desperate…

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