Pigeon-toed children and Orthotics

(2 discussions)

My child is nearly three, and she is still turning her feet inward when she walks.
We live in Europe, and every doctor we have been to says that she will grow out of this.
My friends in the states have suggested that I find another opinion perhaps orthotics could help?
Or if you could refer me to a well-respected podiatrist in Europe I would greatly appreciate your help.
Thank you!


    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    It is impossible to determine which child will outgrow these types of problems and who will not. I always tell patients that they must be aware that even if treated there is no guarantee that this will fix the problem with just one pair of orthotics. I am sorry I do not know any European podiatrists. You might try contacting someoone at Langer Biomechanical Labs and see if they can recommend someone in your country.http Good Luck


    9 10

    My 2 1/2 year old had the same problem. It was the worst when he was tired as he would even trip often when walking right after or before sleeping. I was told that it was too early to determine any fix for certain, but was not content with that answerI took him to the wonderful people at NACD. With a quick daily program that I do every day for just a few minutes, the pigeon-toed walk is gone just under 4 months later.


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