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    The first thing I would suggest when dealing with this, is that you need to correctly support your arch. All the ex or therapy in the worl will not cur eit if you do not have proper arch support. DO NOT walk barefoot. A good pair of “stability” running shoes would be the best. I always suggest going to a good running store to be correctly fitted for the right type of shoe for you. Most likely that will be a stability shoe for you. Next I would approach it with a few things. First, I would do calf stretches perfromed ina strong but comfortable manner that is pain free. I like to stand on a stair with the ball of my foot on the edge and let my heel drop towards the floor. I do it both with the knee straight and bent. This is important because the calf consists of 2 muscles that can put stress on the plantar fascia, and both should be stretched. With the knee straigth, the stretch should be behind your knee, with it bent, it should be behind your ankle. This is a strong stretch, so you have to be careful not to overdo it. Hold 10 seconds 10 x 2-3 x daily. I would also ice it 15-20 minutes 2-3 x daily. Lastly I would take a baseball bat or tennis ball, put it on the floor, and roll my arch over it. This can be very painful, so be gentle at first. This will help to stretch the fibers of the plantar fascia. If these things do not help, seek out a good podiatrist who can further assist you.


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