plantar faciitis/metatarsel pain/torn posterior tibial tendon

I suffered a complete tear of the posterior tibial tendon of my right foot, (MRI looked like a stringy mop), in May of 2012. Doc and I decided to let the tear scar/heal on its own and not do surgery. He put me in some $500 carbon fiber special made from a cast of my feet. My feet are extremely flat! The orthotics helped some, but during the healing I developed plantar faciitis in my left heel from favoring my right foot. This appeared approximately a year ago.
I still have the plantar faciitis, but pain isn’t nearly as bad.
Recently, I developed pain in the metatarsels of both feet.
The Posterior tibial tear has healed nicely. Lastly, I find it extremely hard to walk barefooted, especially on a hard floor and when I remove my shoes and socks at night, my toes feel “fat”. I’m tired of walking like an eighty year old man.
Any suggestions?


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