planter nerve entrapment

I was diagnosed with tarsal tunnel in my left foot I had surgery on that ankle, then I had two torn tendons in the same ankle so I had surgery again. I’ve also have problems with my right ankle same symptoms as left ankle tingling and throbbing pain up my leg I just had a EMG test done on my right ankle and they told me that my planter nerve was entraped instead of my tibial nerve is there treatment for planter nerve entrapment?

1 Comment found

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    The Posterior Tibial Nerve branches into 3 other nerves- the Calcaneal nerve, the Medial Plantar Nerve and the Lateral Plantar Nerve. The last 2 go through an opening (the Porta Pedis) into the Abductor Hallucis muscle belly.Your treatment can vary from conservative to surgical. Your doctor knows your specific caase and you should discuss your options further. Good luck.


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