pop in calf muscle – debilitating

I was playing basketball on already sore muscles from having played the day before & felt a pop in the bulk of my calve muscle.
It put me to the floor and has kept me from walking in a normal gate since.
I am 31 and in pretty good shape. Not sure what happened and how long it will take to heal.
I also play golf and ski and don’t want to do anything that will create a lasting injury. Any advice, I am putting heat on it and taking Moltrin now.
Thanks for any info you can provide.
It seems as if my ligament seperated from the bone, is that possible.
Thanks for your response.

1 Comment found

    May PT

    9 10

    Taylor, I hope that I am wrong, but I strongly suspect that you have completely torn your calf muscle. People over the age of 30 are at a much greater risk of suffering an Achilles Tendon rupture, as compared to younger people, who would be more likely to have a strain, but not a complete tear. I would suggest that you apply ice, and elevate your lower leg above the level of your heart. Please go to get an exam and diagnosis ASAP from an Orthopedist. You might want to request that he does an MRI if there is any doubt as to the severity of your injury. Sometimes an Orthopedist can re-attatch a torn Achilles Tendon if they can operate within a few days (before the tendon shrivels up and retracts). If surgery is not required, then you should ask for a referral to a Physical Therapist, who will help you to get back into activities sooner than you would be able to on your own. Please let us know your diagnosis and prognosis, and good luck!


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