Possible Broken toe next to pinkie toe

My daughter rammed one of her 2nd to the last toe into a wall and it is very sore, bruised looking on the end and on the nuckle and is slightly swollen and very, very sore.
Does this sound like a broken toe?
If we were to go to the docter, would they recommend and xray and what would they do? I am trying to determine if they would just tell us that there is nothing that can be done other than to put ice on it and keep it elevated. Do they put a cast on it to help it heal?

1 Comment found

    May PT

    9 10

    Hi there… I had a broken toe…the same toe in fact, a couple of years ago. They do an x-ray to see if you do in fact have a broken bone. They made me use crutches and bear no weight through the foot for a few days then wear a post op shoe for about a week. It healed well. They do not cast broken toes. Would be a good idea to get it looked at and get a definitive diagnosis. Good luck, Mya PT


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