Possible Neuroma

During soccer I experienced pain in the ball of my foot. I switched shoes and it was forever better. However, 1 month later I was getting to run in my old running shoes and I felt this popping when I would step on my left foot. I thought I had something in my shoe, but there was nothing. Now when I play basketball the ball of my foot hurts and I can make my foot pop when I turn it to the side or when I make a sharp direction change.
My big toe also goes numb. Do I have a neuroma? And if I do what can I do about it if I don’t have insurance? (I already bought new shoes)

1 Comment found

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    Without examining you, I can not say for sure. One possibility is a Morton’s neuroma. Even without insurance, you should still see a podiatrist and discuss what options are best for you.


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