possible rib injury

Hello, I fell the other day somewhat on my left side but not directly on my left side. I have pain now that begins at the shoulder blade(more like a tingle/burn in the back) and comes along the outside of the left breast. I had been experienceing discomfot in the shoulder blade area and was planning to get an adjustment since I have had this symptom before and the area was in spasm (i do a lot of computer work and that happens when I have not stretched and excersised as much as I should). The paid does not radiate down the arm and I can lift the arm up over my head and out to the side and directly in front very little discomfor. It hurts when I sneeze, cough, lie down, rise up or try to move downward from the waist. There is no spinal injury, per my chiropractor. I do not want to go to the orthopedist if I do not have to since I don’t have the 25.00 to spare for co-pay. Do you think I need to be concerned? I am going back to the chiropractor for electric stim and heat.

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    9 10

    Don’t you have a copay each time you see the chiropractor?


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