Post Total Knee Replacement surgery

(2 discussions)

In February of this year I had a total knee replacement.Two months into recovery and healing I tripped and fell very hard on the same knee.
This was two months ago, and after having an ex-ray at my doctors office. He said that the exray didn’t show any damage.
My question is I am feeling more pain in it now than I did after the first month after falling.
I don’t want to have to cope with the pain of arthritis any longer so what is the next step?
Is it possible that I could have damaged it seriously?”



    9 10

    after 8 months having tkr I still have stiffness, muscle pain in my leg and pain in my hamstring my knee buckeled recently causing a fall. why aam I having these problems? thank you


    9 10

    I had knee replacement 5 months ago 5/8/06 and I am still in terrible shape. I have sniffness and muscle pain. I am doing everything from exercising to going to physical therapy. my doctor insists I am not doing anything. I feel like something went wrong with the surgery. I see people walking around after 4 – 6 weeks. this is very discouraging. I thought this surgery was going to help me not hinder me.


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