PT fot fractured ulna

I have basically the same question already asked:”3 weeks ago I broke my ulna bone …… Is there any physical therapy I can be doing or is it to premature? What would they be doing for me if I was a pro athelete?” I’m wondering what is the fastest way to heal.
I’m anxious to get back to volleyballand bike riding – etc.
I’m not opposed to pushing into pain, I just don’t knowif that ultimately helps or hurts to speed healing.
I’ll have my cast removed June 28th -the injury ocurred May 26th.Thanks!kp

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    9 10

    I fractured my ulna 5 weeks ago and had surgery. A long plate, one long screw and a few other shorter screws have been set, and I am not doing PT 3 times a week and do exercises at home 3 times a day. I am 5 weeks out of surgery and can only flex at 135 degrees, actively. What is my prognosis? What do the statistics say, in gaining back 100% mobility in my arm? Is 135 degrees what would be expected at this point in time?


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