radial head fracture

I fractured the radial head of my right arm while traveling. I had a screw and 4 pins put in it – in an operation in thailand. I am still not home and there is a communication barrier between myself and Dr. myself and surgon and myself and physyiotherapist – with this information can you tell me what the likely hood of full recovery is? it has been 3 months since the initial break – I have been doing physio everyday and recently switched to every other day – I still can’t strighten my arm all the way or touch my shoulder – I can’t fully rotate either way. am I going to be like this forever????

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    I’m not a doctor – however 3 weeks ago I broke my radial head clean off and had it wired back together.. I had a cast for 2 weeks and now in fixed hinged brace for2 weeks before I start physio – i’ve been told that I may not get full flexion or rotation of my arm but there is still a chance – all I know is that I am in the arm brace for 3 months minimum – I also know a guy who did his a few years ago – he has full rotation but not flextion.. good luk


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