Re: Chest cracking

(4 discussions)

Caution: if you have chest pain, have an EKG done to rule out any heart problems.Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. Please, seek professional medical advice if you are experiencing chest pain. This is a modified version of my posting at sensored:// (more stories about chest cracking)My chest started cracking after I started lifting heavy weights. Couldn’t sleep on my side, because my chest would hurt.
I would occassionally crack my chest myself after a tough workout.
I discovered it cracked one day while I was stretching. Now the cracking happens unintentionally when I make some movement that stretches my chest. I used to workout often. I’m a female in my 30s, small frame, weighing less than 100lbs. I consider myself to be in pretty good shape I used to jog and could do 50 push-ups easily. (I can’t do any pushups now though.) During my workouts, I noticed that doing dips (26) my sternum would hurt quite a bit. My sternum would also hurt during chest presses (swimmers press, etc.) and push-ups. Anyway, the pain gets to be so bad that it keeps me up at night. Now, I’m in pain 24 hours a day. The doctor diagnosed me with costochondritis: inflammation of the costal cartilage. It’s fairly simple to diagnose, once you rule out heart problems: palpation of the area reveals tenderness–that is, if it hurts to press your sternum anywhere between the 3rd and 6th ribs (middle of your chest), and you have the most common symptoms (hurts when you take a deep breath or cough, there is cracking of the chest), then it is very likely that you have costochondritis. I had an EKG done first, of course.
Mine was normal. All my other vitals are excellent.Symptoms: may seem similar to GERD or myocardial infarction (heart attack). The pain starts as sharp and stabbing, and may radiate (usually towards the left area of your chest). Sometimes, just sitting at my computer I would feel a sharp shooting pain up the left side of my chest. Often, when the pain radiates it feels like a bubbling (fizzing) throughout my chest.
While I’m hopped up on ibuprofen, the pain feels more like a tightness in the middle of chest. When the pain flares up, it can cover my entire chest. It never really goes away I have varying degrees of pain.

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    9 10

    What is costochondritis? Inflammatory process of one or more of the costochondral cartilages that causes localized tenderness and pain of the anterior chest wall. There is clear inflammation at junction of rib. It’s not in any way a dangerous condition but may take many months to settle in some cases.
    Goal Treatment: I take ibuprofen and use a pain relieving cream (e.G., ben-gay or other) at night. If you obtained ibuprofen without a prescription, do not take it for more than 10 days for pain without talking to a doctor. Ibuprofen may cause an upset stomach. Take ibuprofen with food. I take 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera Juice before taking any pain pills. For a natural anti-inflammatory, take pineapple. Fresh pineapple is rich in bromelain, a group of sulfur-containing proteolytic (protein-digesting) enzymes that not only aid digestion, but can effectively reduce inflammation and swelling. To maximize bromelains anti-inflammatory effects, pineapple should be eaten alone between meals or its enzymes will be used up digesting food.”Plenty of rest and no movements that strain your upper body are recommended. I can’t even carry my backpack (which weighs less than 8 pounds) for more than 7 minutes. You may have to modify your posture. Sitting for an extended period may also cause more pain.How long will it take to heal? Depends on your injury. If you indeed have inflammation of the costal cartilage, you need to reduce the inflammation. I have no idea how long it’ll take to reduce the inflammation–I’m still working on that. Cause: many cases have no known cause (idiopathic), but some are caused by direct trauma to the chest (hard tackle, car accident, etc.) or extreme exertion affecting the chest area (as in heavy weight lifting).
    I hope this helps answer some of your questions.


    9 10

    i have been experiencing the same symptoms for over a year, ever since a car crash. I went through some pretty strained muscles in my neck, back and shoulder blades. after a year of the same pains, suddenly my chest starts cracking, mostly after squating, being hhunched over, basicly anytime I was without correct posture. since then my shoulders in the front,closer to my bicepts have become extremely strained, it is becomeing harder to lift my arms. I do drywall for a living, I am convinced that my job is too much for the condition of my muscle and tendents. every time I mention a cracking chest plate to a doctor, he looks at me like “hu… that sounds strange.” and thats it, subject changed, try stretching.


    9 10

    I was also diagnosed with costocondritis… I have been like this for about 6 months and it has not gotton better…Went to chiropractor, had all kinds of tests done,am currently having PT…not helping….It’s hurts when I press between my ribs and radiats into my left shoulder and all the way down both arms, although always more left sided…. It just aches awful…some days better than others..and always have congestion in my nasal passages and feeling like I cannot get a full breath…anybody with similar symptoms that can help would be appreciated…


    9 10

    Im having all those symptons I work on the ground at the airport throwing bags. And ever since I started this I noticed I could crack my chest. Now when I like sneeze it cracks its quiet miserable, desperatly seeking a new position at work. Because lifting can’t be good for it. I’m glad theres somebody else out their with the same problem. I thought I was having a heart attack as well scary feeling. I’m only 22 this is a bummer.


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