Recurring elbow tendinitis from weightlifting…HELP!!!

(2 discussions)

it’s coming back – my elbow tendinitis (i think). it hurts on the outside of my elbow…is it like tennis elbow? i took 4 months off of lifting after a spotter failed me on nose-crunchers for triceps. seemed to work. i am now 3 months into lifting again and almost at my former 100%. i am starting to notice subtle pain at rest and it is getting worse. did i go up too fast in weight? what stretching or exercises can i do prevent this from occuring? please help…i am getting depressed about all this.

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    9 10

    Just guessing here, but if you have managed 3 months and after that the pain is only mild. If you backed off just a little, it might be enough to help. Rather than rest totally. That way if it clears up by backing off, at least you don’t have to stop. Then you can try building up slower, or possibly adjusting your technique slightly.
    Either way add things slowly, and one at a time. ie. more reps, or more weight. Then if it starts up again, you will have a clearer idea of what’s causing it, enabling you to avoid it happening.

    Like I said, just guessing, but I hope it helps.

    Good Luck


    9 10

    I used to get similar pain in my elbows when i did heavy 2-handed dumbbell extensions. With that kind of movement you’re really opening up the elbow joint and putting the soft tissues under strain.I dropped the extensions from my routine and substituted close grip benches(using an EZ bar)and I’ve had no problems since.Also, find a sports therapist in your area.Treatment involves RICE in the early stages,massage and ultrasound.A test for tennis elbow would be the middle finger test;pain is felt on the outside of the elbow when the middle finger is extended against resistance. Good luck!


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