Rehab of Quad Tendon Rupture

Due to a slip in the snow, I had a 100% tear of my quad tendon above the knee.
The ER missed it, the OS missed it, and during a routinely scheduled MRI to look at soft tissue, it was caught.
I had surgery to reattach 2 days later at Kerlan-Jobe in LA (ortho clinic).
I’m a month into rehab and am only at 50 degrees flexion.
What rehab would you suggest, and any view of my progress so far? Thanks!

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    I had an 80% quad tendon tear from a fall on Sept 26. After 2 months of rehab it was clear that surgery was needed. It really should have been done immediately. I had surgery on Dec 30 and now on July 30 I am at 75%. Just to much time for the quad to atrophy. I can walk but not a much as I am used to, stairs are slow and I need the hand rail. Surprisingly I can cycle 30 miles. As far as therapy at UPMC Sports Medicine they had me do leg lifts both from the hip then from the knee starting with no weight and getting me up to 10 lbs. in 10 weeks. Squats against a wall not exceeding 45 degrees. It took me about 4 months to get flexibility to 130 degrees. I have had little pain but a lot of stiffness and not much muscle strength all of which gets slightly better each week.


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