rib pain

I was walking fast in the rain 10 days ago and fell on the sidewalk. I got a good size knot and bruise on my left inside knee and a bruise on the right side of my right knee. The most painful thing tho is my right side is so sore. It is fairly high where it hurts. It hurts to pick up things or move things with my right hand and when I take a deep breath it hurts to inhale. Now it is painful to sleep on my right side. A fried tells me I have bruise my ribs and it just takes time to heal. I was thinking of goin to the Dr but he says the Dr. willo take xrays and give me pain medicine is all. Does that sound like a bruised rib and what can I do to ease the pain? Thanks

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    9 10

    i had half of my lung removed due to lung cancer the doctors had to break my ribs to get access to my chest as well, now my ribs keep disclocating how long will this happen for and is there anything I can do to prevent this or ease the pain


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