right bicept and shoulder

Hello, I fell off a motorcycle and injured my shoulder. after going to er they called it a contusion. After a couple days I went to an ortho and he agreed. A couple days later I saw another ortho and he sugested I May have a slight tear in bicept tendon, rotater cuff. It has been two weeks now and I am still in pain. The part that bothers me the most is a sharp pain running down from the bicept to the elbow. Also I can hear my shoulder moving. My wife heard it from over ten feet away. It sounds like a rubbing or squeeking sound.

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    9 10

    I had an MRI done for pain in the bicep area after feeling like something tore when doing heavy throwing at work. The doctor said he thinks it is an old tear like scar tissue and it probably can’t be fixed, or if they try to fix it I might not have full use of my arm. The pain is when I try to get something off a shelf over my head I can’t hold any weight at all. Would this be true about not being able to fix it or should I seek another opinion?


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