Running Knee Pain

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Pointing to left knee. Inside of left knee just below knee cap and to the left. I can feel the band of muscle? 2 to 3″ in lenght.
Pain seems to be closer to the surface and not deep at all. If I press it I will feel a sharp needle type pain, yet if I press hard enough and massage it it feels good with little or no pain. I can bend my knee or straighten in out while sitting and feel no pain. If I try to walk on it I feel like I need to baby it because I get a jolt of pain. If I try to run on it, well forget it when the heel comes down it hurts bad. I hut it 3 weeks ago and stopped running. I added to my stretching/yoga program yogga for runners stretches. Thi sfelt good up to 4 days ago, and now it seems to hurt worse since I started my running routine again
Walked the first day 3 miles, Ran the next day 5 miles, walked the next 3 miles and then ran my last 5 miles before I tried again today, but had to stop because of the pain. Any suggestions?

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    9 10

    if you are not already doing so..ICE.
    Either with ice cups, or getting into an ice bath, this will help if it is a tendonitis or muscular problem. Massage the area, take antiimflamatories, and think about seeing a PT if it doesn’t resolve itself.


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