Sarco illac Torsion & 6 lumbar vertebrae

Hi, im 18 yrs old. I have had lower back pain for years, especially painfull when walking more than 20-30mins. I went to see my GP who didn’t have a clue what was wrong with me and sent me home. So my mother suggested I try seeing an Osteopath- who diagnosed me with Sarco-illac torsion (pelvic bone slipping out of place). This has happened many times over the past few months and i’ve been back to the osteopath regulary & received manipulation treatment to correct the bone. Recently it’s been more muscular aches rather than the pelvis moving. Not long ago my osteopath suggested I have an MRI Scan as my pelvis was slipping nearly every week! The Scan showed that I have 6 lumbar vertebrae. I have had to reduce my hrs at work to part time as I cannot cope with sitting at a desk for more than 3 hrs MAXIMUM, before I am in total agony. The pain comes and goes but is always slightly there. I have tried asking the doc/GP to refer me to a specialist -but the doc doesn’t seem to understand at all and maked out that he didn’t believe me !Please help. Is there anyone I could see e.g. A Chiropractor? Or should I demand for doc to refer me? Thanks.

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    No need to have a referral to see a chiropractic physician. I think it is a good idea. Although a DO or osteopath recieves some education in manipulation and biomechanics, it is limited and does not compare to the education a chiropractor recieves in manipulation or analysis of postural disorders. I would imagine you have a short lower extremity (unleveled pelvis). A chiropractor will look for this. We will look at your feet, your gait, your hips, SI joints and pelvis. It is all connected and only takes one part of the chain to kink to cause malfunction in other places of the body. A pronated foot can cause knee pain, hip pain, pain in the pelvis or lower back, a short leg can also. It is a simple fix if you know what to look for.


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