Scheuermann’s Kyphosis

(8 discussions)

My 14 year old son has been diagnosed with Scheuermann’s Kyposis which has left him with a 67 degree forward spinal curvature due to wedging of the verterbrae. Normal curvature is 40 to 45 degrees. Our orthopedist has him wearing a modified Milwaukee brace for 20 hours per day for 9 mo. to 1 year at which point the time will be gradually reduced until he wears the brace at night until he is fully grown.
I spoke with a chiropractor who told me that he could “cure” him in 3 months and permanently reverse the curvature without having him wear the brace.
The treatment would be Special Adjustment by hand, special spinal exercises (which he already does) and chiropractic traction and biomechanical adjustment.
I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on this?



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    hi my name is tina and I am 20 and I found out I had scheurmann’s kyphosis when I was 11. I have a very bad case though when I was 11 I had an 83 degree curve and now I have an 89 degree curve I did all those exercises and all it did was prevent my curve from getting worse not cure it and the brace dose the same thing


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    Hi. My name is Michael and I am 17 years old. About 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with Schuerermann’s Kyposhis due to a 67 degree curvature of the spine. This curvature was very sevvere, and I went to an excellent back doctor in NYC. He prescribed a brace for me to wear 23 hours a day, for 15 months. THen I would be gradually weened off of the brace. After two years have gone by, my spine is now an excellent 41 degrees. I advise anyone to try the brace because I feel that it really works. As oposed to what that woman mentioned, you have nothing to lose. It helped me and it may help your son.


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    My daughter was diagnosed in Dec. & we were tolsd she would have to wear a brace for 4 to 5 years.we also live in NY and I would love toknoe the name of Michael’s Doctor in New York. Thanks Michael!


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    My daughter was diagnosed with SK this past May. After many years of being told she has poor posture I took her to a specialist. There she was told she has SK. She is 23 years old so bracing won’t work due to the fact her growing is done. I found a great Dr. who she feels safe with. The only option she has to correct the 72 degree curve is surgery. She has really thought this through and (she had a 2nd opinion) has decided this January to go for the surgery. I wish we would have known about the disease earlier in her life to give her the option af waring the brace. Good look!


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    My son (David) was diagnosed with SK in April ’04. Prior to that he was diagnosed with Schmorl Nodes and scoliosis. He is now 17, and the doctor at Shriners Hospital for Children here in Sacramento (who say him in April) said it was too late for him to wear a brace. He recommended physical therapy exercise and Advil. Since David’s stomach doesn’t like any pain meds except Aleve (which doesn’t do much), and the p/t didn’t seem to help much, David is still in a lot of pain. When I “complained” to the doctor at Shriners that it seemed there much be something that can be done for David’s pain, the doctor said we could try a brace, which he previously said wouldn’t do any good!!! So we’ll see that doctor again in October and see. David does go to a chiropractor, but nothing seems to help in the long run with the pain. David has lumbar SK, and I don’t know the degree of curvature, but the report indicated it was minor–so why all this pain?


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    My daughters go for their first visit at Shriner’s Hospital in Portland on 10/13/04. My oldest daughter is 16 and has been diagnosed with scoliosis and possibly Scheuermann’s. We won’t know the final diagnosis and degrees of her curves until 10/13. But she does experience a lot of pain in her back. We were using a Chiropractor for her until this last May. It only was a temporary fix and did not give her complete relief. She was going into the Chiropractor three times a week. As an avid basketball player, she would go in prior to leaving for a basketball game and immediately following a basketball game. Don’t take me wrong, because we do use chiropractor’s on a regular basis, but sometimes another intervention is needed. My middle daughter seems to have one leg longer than the other, which is causing her problem with scoliosis, and my youngest daughter is just at the beginning of scoliosis. The younger two don’t have much pain, if any at all. We do encourage all of our children to stay active to keep their backs in the best possible condition as possible. The other thing to keep in mind is that some people have a lower pain tolerance than others, which is very normal. I don’t know if you remember Lamaze breathing when you were in labor, but our girls use it when their back muscles get sore. It really does help them relax. Also, we keep a good supply of ice jel-packs in the freezer and old socks filled with rice for hot packs. The rice socks can be heated easily in the microwave. Our girls use them to help loosen muscle tightness before they are playing basketball, along with good warming up exercises. Keep your chin up. I have only just begun this journey, but hopefully these ideas might help aleviate some pain for your son.


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    “Hi. My name is Michael and I am 17 years old. About 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with Schuerermann’s Kyposhis due to a 67 degree curvature of the spine…” Hi. My name is Ellen and my 15 year old son was just diagnosed with Schuerermann’s Kyphosis with a 67 degree curvature and I would very much like to contact Michael with some questions. If you see this could you please contact me. Thanks.


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    Hi, my name is Charlie. I’m 23 and know I have a type of Kyphosis, I’m just not sure what kind, yet. Growing up (between around eight to thirteen years of age) I remember always having extreme leg pain. Since around fourteen, I’ve been living with nearly constant stomach issues. Since around eighteen, I’ve been dealing with ever increasing impotence issues.All of these make sence, since they all have to do with nerve damage.Does anyone else have these paticular issues as a result of Kyphosis, or any other back abnormality? Thank you,Charlie


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