Severe nerve pain & spasticity in pectoral/breast tissue

(4 discussions)

Following a session of horseback riding that included bending and stretching, as well as airplane arm excercise, I am suffering sharp, extreme pain in the left breast area – more in the soft tissue than the muscle. Burning nerve sensation after initial spasm subsides.
The onset is related to position of the left arm (reaching down or across my chest), as well as the position of the left should blade. Bending head forward to flex the thoracic spine seems to also trigger the pain.
The pain is not in the spine at all, just in the breast/chest tissue. After an episode, the area is very sore and tender.Ice helps, as do anti-inflamatory meds.
I take spasticity, muscle relaxant and neurogenic pain meds due to a neurological condition.
Increasing those slightly masks the pain temporarily.Is the problem more likely to be related to a spinal injury (joint), affecting the peripheral nerve or a muscle strain that may be spastic and impinging a nerve?
Please help me determine if I should start with an orthopedic approach, a neurologist, or see an acupuncturist for the pain.

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    9 10

    Hi Doc, thanks for responding. I’m 48 with no history of cardio probs, great cholesterol and good BP. Since last posting, the pain has subsided significantly. I’ve kept up the ice, muscle relaxants, anti-inflamatory and anti-spasmodics, with pain meds as needed. The extreme lightning electical sensation has given way to a more tolerable muscle spasm/pain, when it occurs. I have learned what moves not to make, so I can mostly avoid it. I am stretching more and more, and hope to regain my typical range of motion. I am going to see my neurologist anyway, just to be sure. I also have a history of scoliosis, and this is a likely contibutor to the problem. So glad to have found this site! Thanks!mel


    9 10

    I have severe pain in left breast,it usually starts after alot of movement. In the worst case it moves all the way to the right side/back. But mostly is in the left side. Rating on scale of 1-10. It starts at a 9 and then lessens to 4, but constant pressure. Have had EKG(normal),CT Scan(normal)so Dr is puzzled. Have appt with ortho Dr in a week. Pain is constant,even after taking IBU and is worst when lying,moving or breathing. Any suggestions? I am a 50yr old female.


    9 10

    How old are you? We have to determine if this problem is possibly related to coronary artery disease or related to a rough horse ride. With the history of riding the horse and then experiencing the symptoms, its probably related. To be safe, the heart needs to be ruled out. Go to your family doctor.


      9 10

      Mel, I have been having the same problem (all the way down to the scoliosis), and have been unable to get any answers from my doctors. Did you get a diagnosis that explains it?


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