Shin pain . . . I've run out of options, please help!

(3 discussions)

I’ve had pain along the inside of both shins for 3+ months. A bone scan confirmed that I don’t have a stress fracture or shin splints. Every time I walk for extended periods, the pain increases. Stretching doesn’t seem to help that much. Can anyone help? I’ve read a little about tibialis tendon sheath inflammation but don’t know if this is it.

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    9 10

    Hi all — my first posting.

    I had shin splits pretty badly for about 3 months — at least I hope they’re shin splits since I’ve never had them checked by a doctor(for stress fracture, etc.).

    I first changed my shoes, since this usually did the trick real quick for me in the past. This time, though, it helped little.

    The pain did go away almost overnight from a combination of the following:
    1. stretching(before playing basketball, which is all I do sports-wise). In particular, I found the stretch where you kneel on your knees and rest your butt on your heels(top of foot flat against floor) very helpful. I feel the stretch along the front leg. Sorry, I don’t know a formal name for this stretch.

    2. use of a Dr.Scholl’s ortho insert. Specifically, I use the DynaStep Sport Inserts( First time to use any sort of inserts and I was skeptical, but they worked pretty well for me. I chose this one amongst the many at my local drug store only because it actually said “shin splints” on the package.

    And no, I’m not a rep for Dr. Scholls ; )

    Best wishes from Seattle, WA,


    9 10

    From previous experiences with my shins, I have had similar pains, but there is a lot you can do to help. Where do i start? Firstly check out the footwear you are currently training in. Do they have enough cushioning? Also ice the problem areas but dont overice and burn the skin(and then get an infection)like i did . Research suggests to me that the likely cause of the pain is an imbalance of strength between the calf muscle(being stronger) and the muscle running alongside the tibia. It is best to try and strengthen the muscle next to the tibia to try and make it stronger.Best methods are to lift the offending shin’s foot up so you feel a tensing of the muscle by the shin.It best to do many of these (from experience).Also walking on your heels has been recomended along with stretching.Good luck and if you are still having problems then best to get it checked out by the doc or a physiotherapist


    9 10


    I’ve just recovered from shin splints that I had for four months. There is really a lot out there that you can try to help your shin splints. The thing that helped me the most was taping my arches because I have flat feet. My trainer at school did this for me with two inch atletic tape. You can probably find books on how to tape arches at the library. Another thing that I tried was ultrasound. However, instead of providing relief from my shin splints it only seemed to make them worse. Finally, try doing ice massage on your shins for 8-10 minutes three times daily. Freeze a paper cup filled with water so that when it is frozen you can rub the ice directly onto your shin.

    Since you’ve had shin splints for so long it would probably be best if you went to see your doctor. Anyhow, I hope that this helps you!



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