Shoulder Blade pains and numbness.

My brother is haveing alot of pains in his shoulder blades. He claims that the pain is starting to shoot through his chest cavity. And alot of times he will go numb in his shoulder blades and his back. What do you think is going on? Is this something seriouse?

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    I have cracking and pain under my left shoulder blade that was caused by falling over on my motorcycle 21 years ago. (Car accidents often are the most likely culprit.) The direct impact on my left shoulder crushed the tendons under my left rotator cup to the point where the muscles in the shoulder blade now tend to compensate. It seems to worsen when the weather changes, or I sleep on it incorrectly. Since he has it under both shoulder blades, it could also be bursitis. In the former type of case, some surgery has been proven to be highly effective.


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