Siatric Nerve

(2 discussions)

I started out having lower back pain.
It would come and go. Now, I have this stabbing pain in the lower back, right side, almost in the buttock area, and the pain goes down my right leg.
What exercises can I do to reduce the pain?


    Marianne Ryan, PT

    9 10

    It is very hard to give an exercise program with so little information. Maybe if you add a few more items to your discription I will be able to help you. What position make the pain worse or better. Is the pain worse in AM or PM? Does it hurt when you sit or walk? How old are you?Marianne Ryan, PT in New York City


    9 10

    My husband has severe lower back pain on his left side. The pain radiates from the back over the outside of his hip and down his leg. He twisted while lifting at work. This has become an L and I claim but we cannot seem to even get an xray taken. They are not taking him seriously. He is tough and when he is in this much pain I take notice.
    To give you an idea of his pain tolerance, he walked around with a broken neck for 2 weeks before he finally got admitted to a hospital where they just gave him some pain killer, but they also gave him a muscle relaxant which allowed his head to come over center due to the fracture, cutting off his spinal cord. He went flatline and we almost lost him. We got immediate treatment including an MRI after that. It is a total blessing and miracle, in fact he stumped the Drs as to why he is not completely paralyzed after that ordeal. I don’t want to go through anything like that again. When he can hardly walk I know it hurts. First of all how do you communicate the severity of pain to a Doctor so that he or she will take some action, such as an MRI etc?Second, we have kind of self diagnosed this to be the siatic nerve being pinched. Why won’t a Dr give a diagnosis and get us started on a PT program? We just want him to be well! We are a very healthy pair and this is tripping us up. They gave him Vikadin, Tylenol 500, and some Banalg. The Vikadin took the edge off but does not release him from pain.Your thoughts? Thank you for listening. I am sure you are accustomed to frustrated patients.
    We, like many, are very athletic and active. Being laid up like this is frustrating and even more so when it seems that we are just padding someones pockets with all of these office calls. Also, how long will he suffer with this if it is Sciatic nerve?
    Can you suggest some simple stretches or strengthening exercises to help strengthen and heal his back?
    Best Regards, Melissa


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