Slumping – Clavical Support

I slump really bad. I think I got it from my mother, from seeing her slump all the time. I try to correct it but keep falling back into a slump. Do you think a clavical support will help me correct this problem if I wear it long enough? I don’t want to look like mt mother when I get older. She can’t even sit up straight anymore.Thanks, Angela

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    : Thanks, AngelaDear Angela, Depending on how old your mother is, there may be different reasons why you “slump”. Excessive curvature of the Thorasic spine is called, “HyperKyphosis”. There are a few things that can cause this. Juvenille Hyperkyphosis Dorsalis can affect younger people, where degenerative joint disease and Osteoporosis can affect older people. There are also people who just naturally walk slumped over. Some people may have underdeveloped clavicle, some didn’t grow them at all. It really depends on which of these reasons is the one that affects you. A clavicle support or a butterfly brace may work, but a trained professional should fit you properly. Try strengthening your Rhomboids and your Latissimus Dorsi muscle groups and work on walking as erect as you can. Try to do the most conservative route first, then you can try the other if you still have need.


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