SOre upper left back swelling chest

(6 discussions)

I have pain down my side not sore to touch trvels up under arm shoulder is sore and my left upper chest seems swoolen or larger then the other no bruising but mild pain that gets worse near the end of the day.

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    9 10

    I have the same described feeling in my upper left chest/shoulder area. I first noticed it about a year ago, then had blood test, EKG, stress test, etc. It is not a bad pain and not constant. Lately I always have it in the morning while driving. Today, I’m checking for info becuase I have had it almost all day. I’ve been told it’s not my heart, and can’t seem to identify other causes.


    9 10

    I have the same situation. My chest feels like I swallowed an ice cube and it is stuck. But my tightness only goes away when I take a prescription Ibuprofen. My rib muscle right under my left chest is swollen and my chest looks lopsided. I had EKG, CT Scans, Stress test and they said it isn’t my heart also. But my blood flow is not that great. I’m to see a G.I. specialist and see if it is reflux related.

    Dr. Brian

    9 10

    Your symptoms do not fit into anything that I can categorize in terms of a “diagnosis.” I would suggest you get examined by a doctor (family doctor or chiropractor). An orthopedist would also be able to help, but usually you’ll need to see a primary doctor first, and then get a referral if they feel you need one. A chiropractor could also provide this referral if necessary.


      9 10

      My sister and I both have that same kind of pain and swelling. Not sure what it is but she’s been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I have a liver disease, severe acid reflux and all the symptoms of Fibro that she has. Most Dr.s are baffled. Just a thought.


    9 10

    Swelling could be inflammation that is trapped. While inflammation is good right after an injury, prolonged it causes trapped fluid and limited range of motion. Always see a doctor for your specific health needs, but Ibuprofen, myofascial release on the chest and some massage on trigger points of the subscapularis might just help.


    9 10

    Thank you for your advice. Still have swelling. I did mention it to my Doc … He checked and said it was nothing??? I am 30 yrs old with three beautiful children, have become convinced I have some form of cancer. I was recently in the hospital overnight with A-fib. Converted on my own with beta-blocker after @24 hours. This pain in my ribs swelling is just under my left brest it seems like my ribs stick out farther in that area also sweling of chest wall up to clavicle. There is also a clicking noise in left clavicle it seems to be coming from where it meets my sternum. I am constantly worrying and becoming a little obsessive about the whole thing. Once again I thank you for your advice any other advice would be most welcome.


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