Sternum Fracture?

I am new to this coloumn and hope that someone will be able to help me out. I broke both collar bones almost 2 years ago and ever since have had a problem in my chest. I asked the original doctor to take an x-ray and he said it wasn’t necessary, so I want to another doctor, 4 hours away, and he again said that it wasn’t necessary. Here is my problem, in my chest it feels like a bone is healing and then braking apart again. In the morning when I stretch my arms out it makes a loud cracking sound, my wife says that she has heard it cracking at night when I am breathing in and out. But, the worst is when I sneeze, it’s so bad that if I am driving I have to pull over to sneeze. It will almost drop me to my knees it hurts so bad. I really hope that someone on this forum will be able to help me out.

Awaiting hope,

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    9 10

    i would see a doctor who aint such an a***hole, cos that to me doesn’t sound normal. sorry carn’t help more.


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