Strange chest pain

during a normal day of bench press (powerlifting techniques), halfway through my set i experience a starnge sharp pain sensation through the right, upper, inner portion of my chest. the pain was noticed on the positive of the rep. i racked the weigth immediately, and was unable to continue my workout. that was about a month ago, i took a week off, and since then have gone back and cannot handle very heavy weight without it wanting to hurt. the pain is mainly in the upper pec area, near the center of my chest. pain radiates into my neck and shoulder slightly. someone at my gym tried to explain that it could have been the pec “tearing” away from the sternum, caused by a wide grip on the bench. im not that familiar with anatomy so i dont if thats even possible. anyways, if anyone else has any thoughts or similar experience, id appreciate any help on what to do or what it might be.

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