The Hammock and the Spine

Hello!I’ve been reading in many places about how much of the world has long used hammocks for their nightly bed, while westerners have only ventured as far as to consider them merely ‘vacation luxury’. They say that the conventional flat surface mattress causes tosses and turning due to pressure points receiving excessive pressure (as the spine is not flat). My first notion with this idea was that since the spine is designed to be straight – a hammock would not be healthy because the alignment becomes dipped like a bowl. But if one lies down diagonally in the Mayan hammock – not only is their spine straight but the cords are spreading your weight out evenly. Many claim they sleep better and their health improves with this custom-molding (to any sleeping position), washable, weightless, space-saving bed. Tell me, how could it be unhealthy if it is vastly considered luxurious? I haven’t been able to find any professional input, only cheap online deals – so if somebody could get back to me, it would be greatly appreciated.

1 Comment found

    DC student

    9 10

    While I don’t know the effects of sleeping on a Hammock, I don’t think I have ever been in one for more than a minute or two, I don’t think they would be the best for your spine because they would reduce the natural lordosis of you cervical and lumbar spine segments.As for this part ” Tell me, how could it be unhealthy if it is vastly considered luxurious?”In many parts of the world, including the US, coccaine in considered luxurious. Does that make it healthy?Also what about plastic surgery for face lifts and breast agmentation. Do those increase ones’ health? No. The reason they are considered luxury is that it is out of the ordinary. In some parts of the world that was the predominant way of sleeping. It was normal and not luxurious. So it isn’t always luxury that sells something it is the change from normal.


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