Toe Pain

(2 discussions)

I am not sure what I have and I could use a bit of help before a make a trip to the doctor.
In June my Big to seemed a bit funny almost numb or like I had a bug bite on the inside section of the large to by the nail.
My husband said it was a splinter.
I did not think this was the case but could not figure it out because I grow my nails straight and longer than the skin to keep it from ingrowing, Now it is september and I had the same feeling.
I cleaned the side of my tow and trimmed them.
In the process of cleaning the side it hurt very badly and has been swolen and sensitive for days.
the same thing happend the the other large toe.
Can you tell me what this is.
I am afraid it is not ingrown and I can not find anything close to what it may be.


    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    You may have an ingrown nail. You really should see a podiatrist. There is a solution for this.


    9 10

    I have for over 15 years had a painful spot on end of my fourth toe. It has gotten bigger through the years. It is very painful. It feels as though it goes to the bone. It can get a hard skin covering over it…much like a corn. I put corn meds on it and it only takes off top skin, and then there is this “red dot” that bleeds. It feels better for awhile. It bleeds if I file it down just with emery board! Once it just bled very badly. What is this?!!


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