torn calf muscle

Don’t know if my last message got to you. I am 46 years old and am a coach. When I jolted forward to run out on the field (because we won in double overtime) I heard a loud pop. Couldn’t walk on it within 3 minutes. Went to the Orthopedic two days later and he was very vague. Sent me home with no pain meds and no physical therapy and a boot that kills me to wear it. It’s been nine days and I am just now walking on crutches without excruciating pain that I think came from the blood rushing down to the torn calf. Now I’m getting huge muscle cramps and my back is killing me from laying in bed so much. do you know whats next? Is there something else I should be doing besides ice and advil. Should I go to a physical therapist? There was alot of swelling and bruises but thats slowly going down. When can I put pressure on this foot? Will I be on crutches forever? I took two more weeks off of work because I have to walk and I carry things. Do you think thats resonable? I would appreciate some help. Thanks Fran

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1 Comment found

    May PT

    9 10

    I really suggest you get a second opinion!! You could have ruputured your achilles tendon or maybe even a hamstring tendon. Play it safe and get looked at by someone else. Good luck, Mya


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