training again after os trigonum

(4 discussions)

I was running six weeks ago when I jumped over something – landed in plantar flexion and inverted my ankle. I sprained my ankle and couldn’t walk for weeks. Six weeks later I still have a minimal amount of swelling and pain. The medial part of the ankle seems to be more sensitive then the lateral ??
I’ve never heard of this before and my question is: when can a person NORMALLY get back to training? I am a professional boxer which involves a lot of lateral movement….any advice??



    9 10

    I did not fracture it – just a BAD sprain. I tore some ligaments – but it was not a complete tear – Maybe a grade II. I tapped my ankle yesterday when I did a slow jog. I know I need to get a brace though… I can defintitely not run at full speed – but I really wanna go back to training – but do not wanna re injure it. So that puts me back at my first question. THANKS for replying Erin

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    I really would want to see a MRI of your ankle. You know as an athlete it is important to rehab properly. If you work with a physical therapist, I would suggest they evaluate your ankle and set up a program. I would suggest starting with water exercise and or stationary bike. Later a balance board can be used to increase strength and proprioception.

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    Did you fracture the Os trigonum? Are you wearing any kind of ankle brace?


      9 10

      I ruptured my achilles tendon a year ago and was treated with plaster cast for 8 weeks. have had no luck returning to walking, let alone running due to debilatating posterior ankle pain. MRI showed irregular capsule shape and marked fluid collection in Flexor Hallicus Longus tendon due to prominent bony process of talus. Am scheduled for surgery to trim bone and clean up. How long can I expect recovery to take? What can I do to aid recovery? Will I ever be able to run and particularly sprint again? I am a very keen Masters Athlete and was training for the World Masters Athletics Champs


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