Trimalleolar ORIF recovering

I fell 11/30/11 and really messed up my ankle . . . Trimalleolar fracture with 2 plates and 12 screws (spiral fracture tibia and posterior malleolas).
I’ve progressed from the bulky Jones cast, to a fiberglass cast, to a walking boot (this week).
My surgeon says he expects me to be walking FWB on the injured leg next week, unaided . . . I’m afraid to.
He also expects me to be driving the following week.
What are some things that I can do to help reduce swelling and regain mobility in my muscles, ligaments, and tendons? Dr. said there was no ligament or tendon repair needed, their just pulled and need to be worked out. Achilies tendon is VERY tight.

1 Comment found

    May PT

    9 10

    I sure hope you are going to go to physical therapy. You need massage, joint mobilization and stretching…of which you probably can’t do yourself. However, they will show you some things you can do at home. The swelling….elevate as much as you can. Can you get some sort of compression sock or stocking? that would help a great deal.’Good luck!


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