Weird Knee Pain from Cycling

(4 discussions)

I have been suffering from a strange knee pain from cycling for a couple of months now, at least, off and on.

It is located at the top/outer edge of my right patellar area, kind of where the vastus lateralis joins the patella NOT as lateral as the ITB.

It kind of has the sensation of being bruised right now if I press the area. Hurts a little when bending it, too.

Yesterday, I cycled for only 30 min at an easy cadence and easy gearing, and toward the end – this pain appeared. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt while I’m on my bike, but only the next day when I get up in the a.m.

I have tried adjusting everything on my triathlon bike – from seat height to cleat position – with no luck. HELP!!!!!

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    9 10

    “Splinting” or “Guarding” refers to muscles which cross the same joint as the injured structure involuntarily contracting (spasm) in an attempt to reduce the tension/stress on the injured structure.

    Frequently, these spasms are more painful than the actual injury and confuse the issue as to the true cause of the problem.

    Because of this confusion its wise to have an experienced PT or doc evaluate your symptoms and history of the problem to try to discern the true cause of the problem.

    That said your seat position does seem to be a possible cause for your trouble. If your kneecaps extend beyond your toes during the pedal cycle that can require considerable effort on the part of your VL (as in a Front Squat exercise). Have the LBS drop a plumbline from your knee to see if they’re ever more forward than your toes and try to adjust your seat so that it doesn’t happen.

    Hope that helps,


    9 10

    Thank you both for your replies. VERY helpful.

    Yes, it seems that the most likely culprit for my right knee pain is the tendon attaching the VL to the patellar area.

    Muscledawg – what do you mean by “splinting”??? Very curious.

    I went to another cycle dealer who took a close look at both my old (road) bike, which didn’t give me pain, and my new (triathlon) bike. He noted the most drastic difference is in seat post angle, which causes my knees to be forward over my toes much farther with my tri bike than my old road bike. So, he tried to make the measurements similar and put a different seat post on, which has an extension back an inch or more, so we could move my seat back as far as possible, thereby moving my knees back further over the top of my toes. It isn’t quite the same angle as my former (road) bike, but is closer.

    So far, for two weeks anyway, I’ve had no right knee trouble, and my ITBFS has resolved a bit, though it is a little worse again this week. I’m so sick of the ITB problems.

    Time will tell. If either of you have ANY suggestions, I would appreciate hearing them.

    Thanks a million.


    9 10

    Well it may very well be a form of ITBS, have someone look at you on your bike from front and behind. Make sure tht your knees are slightly in toward the frame. If they aren’t you may need to raise your seat a bit. Make sure your cleats are adjusted so that your toes angle in toward the frame about 5 degrees too. If your knees bow out (i.e. “tricycle knees”) that can cuase ITBS symptoms.

    The pain in your VL may be splinting due to irritation of the ITB. Try having a massage therapist poke around in the front of your hip to seen if your gluteus medius or TFL or adductors are tight too.

    Hope that helps,


    9 10

    could it be the lateral knee ligament you think? pain on the outside of the knee whilst exercising or after excercising is what I get and I have that injury…


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