
I was in a car accident – head on collision – 3 months ago. I was diagnosed with left shoulder strain and neck strain. I did 2 months of physical therapy with little to no relief. I continued to have severe muscle spasms of the neck and left upper back. I had 2 steroid injections to the shoulder to treat inflammation but my spasms still linger. My doctor told me this is the best i’m going to get. I’m only 29 years old and not ready to give up yet. Am I a candidate for chiropractic treatment. I’m not sure where else to turn.

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    You are a very good candidate for chiropractic care. In fact, it’s a shame you didn’t go first. It would have saved a lot of money and would have saved you considerable time and gave you tremendous relief. There is a lot that can be done, go to a chiropractic doctor and get this problem resolved before it is too late. Most medical doctors have no clue as to how to treat these problems, its always a pill or shot or very typical to send you to a PT. Physical therapists many lack the training to effectively treat whiplash. There is no treatment as effective as chiropractic care for whiplash. Nothing compares.


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