Winging Scapula Recovery, odds w/o surgery

(2 discussions)

I suffered a Auto accident, double rear-end, and the docs suspect Long Thoracic Nerve injury. I have winging scapula, decreased control of the bicep, wrist, fingers, etc., and was wondering what the odds are that this can be fixed with PT? I have a really good PT, who has been treating me for Piriformis Syndrome/Sacroiliac Joint problems, and then we switched to the whiplash after the accident. Yep, whiplash too. I also get terrible crushing pain episodes that require a narcotic painkiller every 3-4 days that affect the arm, shoulder, neck and sometimes up the side of my face. I am not having much fun with this you know.



    9 10

    Hi wendy, I was rear ended by a triple trailer truck on the freewayand I continue to suffer pain years after. Slowly over the years it has improved. I still occasionally get muscle spasms and then severe headaches from this when I try to do too much. I have found yoga very helpful in trying to balance out the two sides of my back as one side had scapula winging and tended to be higher than the other. Margie Lee


    9 10

    I would love to find out what you know about this. I have winging scapula due to long thoracic injury I received doing yard work. It has been four months and my doctor did an EMG which led him to state that the nerve was intact but not full strength. I just started PT but wonder how long and will it ever be 100%? Any info you may have come across would be very helpful.


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