Annoying wrist injury – tendonosis.

(5 discussions)

I’ve had Chronic tendonosis in my right wrist on and off for about two years. It clicks constantly with some associated pain. Weightbearing is problematic. Does anybody know how to rehabilitate a wrist so that full weightbaring is possible? Will tendonosis eventually heal? Any comments greatly appreciated!

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    9 10

    I had the same type of injury earlier this year. I’m not sure what had caused the initial injury, but it really affected my ability to work out. I finally had a series of cortisone joint injections (3 injections in a matter of 2 months) and that seemed to work. Haven’t had any problem since.


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    Hi i think i’m suffering from the same problem except in the early stages. I hyperextended my wrist about a month half ago during weight lifting and i get a lot of discomfort in my wrists now except it doesn’t seem to go away after so long. Does anyone know of a good rehabilitation program? i am about to try acupuncture


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    Lat December I noted a clicking in my right wrist when I wrote my Christmas cards. I played tennis that week and my wrist really hurt. I went to the Doctor who suggested rest and a visit to a sports clinic. This has steadied the situation and I can play tennis and badminton when I wear a wrist support and after I play I apply ice for about 15 minutes. What can’t do is get the situation cleared up. I can rest and the wrist feels fine but as soon as I write or lift a weight the pain returns. When it’s bad it hurts most of the time. Is there a cure as I have had the problem for nearly a year. Alan Rowe


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    I know how you feel!! I have had tendonitis in the wrist for nearly 10 years. It’s from playing guitar.
    At first the pain was unbearable, and used to stop me sleeping. I couldn’t do anything!!

    It would come and go, and every so often I would have a major attack again and be in agony.
    But…… the years have progressed it does seem to diminish. It doesn’t really bother me that much.

    I always know it’s there, but it’s so mild it’s easy to ignore, and when I have attacks they are bearable. In fact I find to keep using it through any mild pain seems to help it.

    As for major attacks when it is unbearable, I suppose i get them at the most every couple of years now. Ibuprofen does wonders at that time!

    I don’t think it will ever go away completly now, (it’s like my body knows how to do it and so it does!!! It’s even started up in my other wrist now, playing guitar doesn’t hurt that one!) but I can honestly say that it doesn’t bother me now or stop me doing anything.
    (I only wih I could say the same for the other parts of my body!! Come on sympathy please!!!!!)

    Try Ibuprofen or cuprofen. But don’t stay on them as your body will become immune! Only use it when it’s bad. I did that when I joined my 1st band, through fear of an attack and not being able to play guitar!! Worked for ages, then eventually came back while still taking it!!

    I also found that complete rest is not what it needs. Don’t over do it, but to keep working was better in the long run. I think it may also help to keep gently stretching them in the direction that hurts when they are not too painful, this will keep the tendons supple.

    Anyway, I hope that helps. And I hope you find some relief!

    Feel free to mail me any other questions you might have.



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