quad tendon repair

hi, I fell down my friends drive sober I might add!! I ruptured my quad tendon in march after months of physio,i was sent in for surgery in may, I have been in a cast for the past 6 weeks . I will then go into a brace for a few weeks, How long will it be before im recovered and due to the time lapsed between injury and surgery will it take longer for me to be mobile. thanks look forward to your reply.

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    I had a torn miniscus repaired 6 months ago and while I was walking up a hill 3 days ago when I felt something give. Within 3 hours I could not walk or bend my leg. Above the kneecap is the central area of pain. I am waiting for MRI authorization however my doctor thinks it is a ruptured quad. I am particularly concerned about an insurance buracracy delaying authorization because I hear time is of the essence for an effective repair. Any insite would be appreciated.


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