Podiatry & Foot Questions Archives | Page 346 of 368 | Orthoped

Toenails turning black

(2 discussions)

My big toe has been turning black for some time.
It is not a bruise, but it seems to be rotting or dying for some time (2 years?), almost like it is rotting under the nail itself.
There is no real pain involved. Now it is appearing on two other toes on the same foot.
There is nothing on the toes of my other foot.
Any ideas?

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I was diagnosed with posterior tibial tendonitis during my first three days playing college soccer. I was put in a cast for a month, and it helped, temporarily. It had hurt for about a year before it hurt constantly, and now a year after treatment and icing before almost all physical activity, it has started to act up again… ANY ADVICE?? I want my foot normal, sometimes the pain is unbearable… Thank you

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(6 discussions)

PLEASE let me know what to do…….A few years ago I Jammed my big toe into a concrete piller.
It has been out of socket every since.
The ball just behind the toe sticks out of the side of my foot and the toe is twisted and bent towards the 2nd toe.Some days there is no pain at all for weeks at a time, but some days it swells up so much that my entire foot is swollen.
I don’t dare try to pop it back into socket as the pain would be unbearable.Plus I don’t know exactly what the problem is.
Who should I see, And what would the cost to have it popped back into socket if that is what is required.??
Thanks SO much !!

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both balls of feet are numb

The entire balls of both feet are numb… they feel like they are an inch thick when I walk and have very little feeling when I touch them except this odd ‘thick’ sensation.
I’ve recently changed from a desk job to a more physically active position (health reasons).
Can you pont me in a direction on this?
I am 52, 6’3″, 260#, diabetic (non-insulin), have coronary artery disease (3 stents).

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most athlete’s foot stuff doesn’t work

I’ve been plagued with athlete’s foot between the toes ever since my early teens between my toes. I’ve used most of the otc’s and a couple of prescriptions from doctors. It’s constantly itching and burning and I use them just like it says. Why wont they work? I have fairly sweaty feet which I’m sure doesn’t help, but even this new Lamisil AT doesn’t really do anything for it. It’s even MORE embarrassing for a girl to have it and wearing dress shoes and hose (required) seem to aggrivate the problem. Any help will be appreciated.

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Sprained ankle

(2 discussions)

I posted before about a severe sprain in my left ankle. I was wondering why a brace would actually make my ankle hurt more then without one? I saw an ortho doctor who said I most likely have ligament damage and it takes time to heal and I told him these braces make my ankle hurt more. Just confused and wondered if there could be something else wrong. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question it is most appreciated.

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pain from ankle to bridge of foot

It started at my ankle, just sore, then moved to swelling and redness, now it is painful all the way to the top bridge of my foot. No incident that caused immediate pain, really stiff in the morning. I have to choice but to teach my classes (I am a fitness instructor) and was wondering what I could do to lessen the pain. It feels somewhat better after I can slowly work the muscle by pointing and flexing foot, and worse if I don’t move or work the muscle/tendon. Suggestions? Causes?

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Avascular necrosis in my talus bone

(3 discussions)

I shattered and dislocated my talus bone in sept 2013, had 4 screws installed, and have been on crutches since. Two months ago my x-rays showed I am missing a substantial amount of bone on the inside of my ankle and it will probably collapse if I put weight on it without a cast. Last month when I got my regular x-rays my dr. discovered I developed avascular necrosis and I need to wait 6 months to see how or if it heals before we decide what actions to take. As of right now I can put a small amount of weight on it, but it doesn’t feel right and I think it will collapse if I put too much. I have maybe 15 degrees of movement up and down but 0 side to side.
Is it possible that my bone will heal in the next 6 months? If not what options do I have to repair it? Is it likely that I will ever be able to walk without aid of a cane or crutches?My dr. mentioned something about fusion surgery but did not elaborate. Does anybody know what exactly this is?

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Do you know anything about balanced sneakers ?
I am trying to find the best sneakers for using during physical therapy and also walking after having a back surgery for low back pain and [email protected]

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3 year old that falls frequently

I’m a mum of a very active 3 year old boy who started walking at 12 months and falls over frequently.
It has improved in the last 12 months, but his Pre-School teacher has asked me to get his eyes tested because he falls often in the class.
He has very flexible ankles and still looks quite flat footed (I’m aware this is quite normal). When he runs his right foot points outwards.
I’m not sure if this is all normal and he will correct over time, but his Pre-school teacher is concerned.
I took him to a physio who said to wait 18 months and she’ll begin an exercise program with him.
Should I take him to a podiatrist now?
Are orthotics suitable in children of this age?
Thank youDeb Alcock

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