Podiatry & Foot Questions Archives | Page 349 of 368 | Orthoped

Big Toe numb

My big toe on my left foot is numb.
Went numb a few days ago.
Seemed that my other toes were slightly numb too, but now it’s jut the big toe.
My right foot seemed to be going that way on the second day but then didn’t’ stay numb.
Any idea what could cause this?

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Ankle clicking

(2 discussions)

I have had problems with my ankle clicking for a couple of years now, however in the past year the clicking has become more frequent ( almost all the time ) and much louder. I have been to see my doctor and he sent me to see an orthotist. X-rays have been taken of my ankle and no problems were apparent, although they did say it was one of the loudest joint clicks they had ever heard. As I was born with one ankle slightly turned in, they made the assumption that this may be the cause of the clicking. Subsequently I have been given many different ankle supports and insoles to try out over the past year.
However none of these have worked and I now have terrible pain in my ankle and foot quite frequently. The Orthotist is at a loss, and says there’s nothing more he can do. I cannot let them tell me this as the pain is getting worse and as i’m only 17 now, I worry it will become unbearable in the future. P.s The only other explanation I could think for these problems is that when I was born my mother was told that my hip may have been slightly twisted during my birth. My mother was told that if any problems with my walking occured ( which they did – my foot turned in ) it would strighten out before I was 5. However it never did. I have told my orthotist this but he doesn’t seem to want to investigate into this theory. Can you give me any advice please, I don’t know what I should do next.

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scared 21 year old in need of advice

about a year ago I noticed a small bruise on the top of my foot, just below the hairline on my leg, it wasn’t really noticable but it didn’t go away, then it started getting bigger and forming a white area on the inside, it’s not round, it’s iregularly shapped, and firm to the touch, with the bruised area extending around it, the white is like I said firm, but not hard like bone, and the skin that has turned white is just a little different in texture, I have no health insurance at the time, I just turned 21 and am no longer on my parents insurance so i’m looking into health insurance but it’s so expensive.
i’m very scared that it might be cancer, if it were benign it wouldn’t grow right? I get a little pain but not much, here and there, not constant, and not that much, just a dull ache from time to time, i’ve changed shoes twice since noticing it, so it can’t be them.
i’m scared to even go to a doctor, I know what he’s going to tell me, that it’s malignant and i’ll have to go through chemo, my wifes aunt went through it, I don’t know if I have the strength to deal with that, but I can’t ignore it, my daughter needs me to be around, I want to see her grow up, I want to be able to be there for her.
i’m just to scared to go to a doctor

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Sunburned feet now swelling… HELP!

Hi Doctor,My husband sunburned his feet yesterday and now his feet are swollen.
First of all, what can we do to help bring th swelling down?
My second concern for my husband is when he fractured his foot about 2 years ago and wound up in the hospital with blood clots.
Could his swollen sunburned feet cause the blood clots to return since he is having to elevate his feet to keep them comfortable?
Thanks for your time!

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sometimes shooting ankle pain when walking

hello sometimes when I am walking I get a very bad pain in my left ankle which makes it hard to walk any further.
but as I continue to hobble along the pain goes away, then sometimes comes back.
it does not last real long or come every time I walk but when it does occur it is extremely painful.
I do not ever rembember injuring it.
any ideas of what this is?
Thanks K

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i chipped a bone in my left ankle? its been two months ago. the swelling has went down alot however it is still swollen. I can walk fine. but sometimes it will hurt pretty bad.

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I go through shoes FAST

(2 discussions)

My shoe soles wear very quickly on the rear outside, and then my feet force the upper over the outer side of the sole…can you recommend anything to fix this? SJC

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I have a question: my friend Jackie pulled a tendant in her foot. She has a hard cast put on and she says she has to wear it for a year. Does that seem real or do you think she is just exaggerating? She pulled the tendant near the first metatarsal.

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Fungus on my Toe

On my right big toe, I have a blister that I noticed a week ago.
I figured it was some sort of fungus or atheletes foot.
I went ahead and popped the blister and applied some over the counter treatment for fungus.
Today, I popped it and noticed some sort of jelly-like pus.
At first, it looked like clear jelly and then with the blood it turned red.
I am going to the doctor, but I wanted to ask if you could give me a cause or a diagnosis of what it can be.
Thank you

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heel Pain

i stepped hard on a rock in august and still having pain in my heel I thought it was just bruised but friends tell me now that it may have developed into a bone spur? is this possible do I really need to go to a doctor..or is it something I can take care of with immobilization? or an herbal concoction to break down calcium?

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