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Large bump grew over night

I have a big bump under the joint of my big toe towards the inside of my foot.
One day my toe was fine and literally the next day the bump was there.
It is half an inch in size.
No pain or discolor, just a large bump.

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Excessive wear on heel and outside of shoe

What can be done to more evenly distribute my weight across my feet (given that my shoes wear excessively on the outside heel and outside of my foot)? Will foot orthotics work?
Please advise.
Thank you

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Small holes on the bottom of my feet

Probalby about 2 months ago I noticed my feet were extremely dry.
They began to peal in layers (4-5 layers of skin on top of another) as I looked closer there was tiny holes all over the balls and heals of my feet, the size of a lead pencil.
People told me to buy stuff for athlets foot, but there is no burning, itching, or anything that is discomforting.
I bought a foot cream which has “helped” with the pealing, but the holes are still there???
Also, my hands feel a little more rough than usual.
I scrub them almost daily but nothing seems to help.
Any advice, PLEASE!!!

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help asap tonight if possible

I need an example of how you would use math in physical therapy…. I just can’t put the words together…

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Numbness in lower body

(2 discussions)

I started having a slight tingling and numbness in my lower body (from the waist down) about 3 weeks ago. It has since moved up to upper body and my hands. Could this be due to moving a large piece of furniture around that time?

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Achilles Tendonitis

I have recently developed achilles tendonitis while doing a circuit training class, which includes 1 minute on treadmil and one minute lifting weights.
I was wearing new shoes that caused my foot to pronate when my usual gait is supinate.
I got better shoes but am still having pain, mostly when I walk around after sitting or sleeping and during the day when I stand.
Should I use heel inserts in all my shoes?
What are the stretches I can do? And most importantly how would I know if my tendon were going to tear? Thanks Lisa

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mortons nueroma

(3 discussions)

I was diagnoised with mortons nueroma.
I’am in constant pain.
the ball of the foot is callusesed very hard, and thick.
I constantly take motrin on a daily routine.
Is there any products,medications,etc. I can use or take to alievate the pain, instead of surgery?

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Infected Big toe

Any suggestion as to an antibiotic that will help get an infected toe under control? Been taking Floxacillin and so far not much of a change. Also had 2 coarses a little while back, still no luck.Doctor says toe isnt in need of surgery as yet.
Is there any antibitoic that would be better than another, or is there a treatment that will help this problemThanks

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ankle pain along with itching

Hi!My ankle is swollen on the top right hand side & it hurts & itches! I am 46 and do very little exercise. I did not injure it in anyway. Any idea of what might be causing this? Thank you!

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Harnia Belt

Sir Mohsin here,i wanted to know about the specifications of the Harnia belt and I would also like to know the cost of each of the belt and also like to know the period and the limit for the at which we can use the belt.waiting for reply…

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