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    What you should do is some gentle neck exercises as follows: tilt your head slowly to the left, and then slowly to right. Then look as far left as you can, then as far right, slowly and gently so as not to damage your neck. Finally do a chintuck 4 or 5 times and imagine that your head is being pulled up by a piece of string from the crown. Do this five times, twice a day, whilst keeping correct posture and sleeping on your back with 2 pillows, and the clicks should disappear completely within a few weeks…
    have fun
    Doctor Dan


      9 10

      I have a really bad pain in my neck and shoulders, a wierd sensation in my neck and back when I look down. I also suffer with a clicking neck most days. I had a disk removed in my lower back 10 years ago and still suffer most days – anyone out there with similar symtoms.Jools


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    I have a clicking sound coming from the bone of my neck every time I turned my head. Can anybody help me?? I have been seen by ostheapth and recently I have start taken cortisona injections.


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    thanks my neck does click it should be better soon thanks for the help


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    yeah get over it mine and my mates does to


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    everytime I move my neck to the side it seems to click out and then a big click back in. It’s started happening ever since I had a cold. Can you give me advice to sort this out.Cheers


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    I broke my neck in two places 17 years ago…C4 and C5 with a right side subluksation (prob spelt wrong…but jeez I know what it means). But with that I can walk, I suffer nerve traumas down my right side which are now normal (to me). Suddenly I am experiensing serious disc out probs…twiching and major clicking of the neck which everyone can hear. It manifest’s itself when at work and I can see these people cringe


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    so do i. it just started yesterday, but every time I move my head it cracks, and it eventually gives me a horrible headache. I just want it to stop!!


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    I have a re-curring neck clicking/popping/crunching when I turn my head from side to side. I went to a chiro a couple of years ago and after a few sessions of loosening up my musles it went away. It just came back a few days ago as bad as it’s ever been though. At least a got a 2 year reprieve!


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    The medical term for a clicking neck is “neck crepitus”


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