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Pain on top of foot at base of toes

(3 discussions)

Specifically the 2nd, 3rd, 4th toes. Exacerbated by water retention in that foot only. Originally began on surface of big toe before water retention. Sometimes sore with burning sensation but it does not hurt to press. Is it Mortons?

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I do flexing exercises at times such as moving the toes both upward toward and then away from the shin area. Lately I have noticed when I move (at the ankle) my left foot upward toward the shin a sensation almost like something is lightly tearing within my heel. Now there is a numb area in my left heel and it appears to be spreading upward in the back of my heel. I’m 65, fairly active, in good health and take no medications. Could I have torn something and is it possible to heal by itself? This numbness in my left heel only affects about two inches in from the back of the heel and seems to be spreading upward along the back of my heel.
I’ve never noticed anything such as this and any information would be greatly appreaciated.

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Thank you Dr. Abrams!

Dear Dr. Abrams, My niece was seen at Sports Medicine this a.m.
She had X-rays and was diagnosed with a snydesmotic sprain!
She was placed in a boot.
Thank you so much for suggesting a second opinion.
You were right!
I wish you were in PA!
I am really impressed with you and am so grateful I found this site when I did.
Sincerely, Kathy

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Last Jan, 2012 I was diagnosed as being diabetic, Type II.
However, my blood glucose level has not been too high, and with medication have kept my numbers below 120 over the past 6 mos.
However, over the past 6 mos I have developed a cramping in the balls of both feetm mostly under my middle to small toes -sometime over as far as my big toe.
It usually gets worse as the day progresses and at night when I get home from work.
It is relieved considerably when I sleep, but resumes when I get up in the morning. I massauge my feet several times during the day, but this provides only very short temporary relief.
I have wide toed shoes, with soft soles, but this seems to make no difference.
I also have a bad back with a buldging disc at L-4 L-5, which has caused severe cramping and spasms in my back.
When I have brought the foot problem to the attention of several doctors they really don’t seem to have an answer or any suggestion for relief.
Any suggestions besides seeing a podiatrist re orthodics.

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What is your opinion of ESWT for Fasciitis?

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Arthritis and Calcium Supplements

(2 discussions)

I have arthritis in my feet.
I am supposed to be taking a calcium supplement, but everytime I am on it for a few days, my feet hurt really bad.
I go off of it, and I am back to my “everyday” pain from the arthritis.
I go back on it, and the pain increases.
I haven’t found anything that says calcium supplements will aggravate arthritis.
Do you know anything about that?K. Trenor

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Surgery to “Stump Neuroma”

In November 2012 I had surgery to remove a Mortons Neuroma on my left foot.
I continue to have muchsensitivity in the same area and the scar is raised,which causes additional discomfort.
My podiatristadvises that a second surgery probably has to be performed to remove what seems to be a “stump neuroma”For the second surgery he will use sutures which have to be removed (not the previously used ones whichare absorbed)and he will inject cortisone during thesurgery to help prevent a bad scar.
How successfulis a second surgery and how long might the recovery be.
Thank you.

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I’m a professional ballet dancer who recently noticed a sharp pain underneath my arch.
I first noticed it when I was rolling up to the ball of my foot, half pointe.
It feels like a tight pull and hurts when walking at times.
Will my symptoms subside?
Is it planter fasciaitus?
Thank you for your time.
I look foward to your response.
Tara Mora

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Do orthotics stop bunions?

Hello Dr. Abrams. Thank you for this service. In your experience as a podiatrist, do custom orthotics slow or stop the progression of bunions and tailor’s bunions? Can you give me a percentage of cases you have seen where the bunion growth is arrested?
I ask this because I went to a podiatrist six months ago who said that my beginning bunions and tailor’s bunions were caused by biomechanical problems (he said I had forefoot varus and equinus). He recommended custom orthotics and physical therapy, which I did. Unfortunately, I started traveling, then moved, and was never able to get the adjustments done to the orthotics to make them comfortable for myself. The orthotics seemed to help the tailor’s bunions, but not the bunions, which got larger. The orthotics did help my back pain. In my new town, I went to a podiatrist complaining about the pain experienced while wearing the orthotics. He said that the posts on the forefoot were too high and he ripped them off, replacing them with a felt metatarsal pad that he added. He said that orthotics do not help bunions – eventually, whether in two years or ten, I will have to have surgery. He said that it was only the rear post that was necessary, to hold the foot.

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rigid toes

I recently had toe shortening surgery performed on my left foot, and the results are terrible. They are completely flat, inflexible and rigid. They don’t touch the ground when I stand,and are just weird and awful looking. What upsets me the most is now I have no flexibility in my second and third toes anymore. Is there any way surgery can be done to reverse this procedure? IS there any way to fix the damage so my toes at least look normal? Help!

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