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Ankle pain constantly for over about 2 months

my daughter has had a lot of ankle pain over the last 2 months. She has complained to me about it hurting on the right outside of her ankle every time she walks and even when she sits or lays down. She has tripped and fallen before, but never very hard. She is a very active 12 year old and regularly(just not recently) competes in figure skating and does gymnastics. We have tried wraps and even crutches, but the pain wont go away. We have seen several doctors and we insist of xrays but they just don’t give them to us and they insist she is fine. Do you have any thoughts of what we should do?

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becoming a physical therapist

(2 discussions)

Hi, I’m Ashley and I am 15 years old, I’ve been researching job information on physical therapists because that’s what I would like to be when I grow up. I was just wondering if you could give me any hints on things I can do to prepare for the job and what classes I can take. Anything will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Ashley

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ruptured bicep tendon

hi, five weeks ago I fell on my shoulder and still can’t throw a football. x-rays were negative. now a week ago I tried bowling and doc said I ruptured my bicep tendon at the elbow. I go for an MRI today. can a ruptured tendon heal itself ??

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Questions for my English Class

My name is Collin Docter and I was given a small English assignment to ask a person in my intended profession about the writing they do in their job.My questions are:What kind of writing do you do and what is it used for?How much writing do you do/day?How much of your writing do you do alone? With other people and with whom do you write?What kind of advice do you have for a student writer?If you don’t want to answer these questions, who could I e-mail that could or would want to? Thanks a lot,CollinAre there any recent developments or controversial issues in physical therapy?

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Torn Archilles Tendon & Torn Calf Muscle

(4 discussions)

I tore my calf muscle in May 07, but not until the middle of Sept. 07, could I convince a dr. to give me an MRI on my calf, because I had felt a sharp pain and a pop when I fell.
I realize the calf muscle tears from the achiles, which I also had a torn achiles muscle, but because it wasn’t severed the ortho dr. here would not repair it.
I’ve researched the internet and all articles say that after this much time, surgery, NOT physical therapy will correct it?????

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calve muscle

I run 30 miles a week. However, while playing tennis I pulled or tore something causing extreme pain in my calve area. I cannot walk correctly. I must walk stiff legged. What is my corrective measure fron this. How long should I stay off after the pain subsides and do I need medication. Thanks

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Arch pain/cracking

Lately I have been having pain in the arch of my left foot.
It feels like my arch is going to crack but right before it does it starts shooting pain in throughout my arch.
Then I wont put weight on it for a while and when I finally do it cracks and then hurts again for a few seconds.
My mom wants to take me to the doctor but if there is no need for this I would like to know.

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Sprained Ankle

I sprained my ankle after stepping in a hole.
It has been about a week and it is still very sore. Above my ankle I have burning on both in inner and outer sides of my leg.
What could be causing this?
Is this something I need to see a doctor about?
Is there a home remedy I should be doing to aid the healing of my ankle?

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About Achilles Tendons

About 8 months ago, I hurt my achilles tendon.
I throw shot put and discus, so I am always on my feet and jumping.
Well, now, my tendon feels almost like it will snap at any time.
Some days it feels fine, but then others it just throbs and swells up.
I ice it all the time, and do stretches and exercises for it but nothing is working.
Now, the inside of my ankle will get this sharp pain that will go up vertically.
Then on the outside of my ankle, underneath the actual ankle part, there’s pains there all the time as well.
Is there anything I can buy (brace wise), or is it time to get an X-ray.
I’m just curious because the last thing I would like right now is to end my throwing career because I didn’t prevent something bad happening.
If you could write me back soon, that would be so great.
Thank you for your time.
Much appreciated.

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bee sting like pain upper thigh

three times in the past few weeks I get a pain like a bee just stung my upper right thigh higer up than groin. pain lasts about 15 seconds and will not come back for a week or so…any ideas? I have a physical scheduled for mid November… Thanks

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