physical therapy programs

(2 discussions)

please help.
I am a massage therapist from Chicago and am interested in going back to school for physical therapy. Does my massage therapy hours count towards a degree? How long will I have to go back to school?



    9 10

    Hi Nico Tricoci! I don’t know the exact curriculum to get a massage therapy license but for you to have a phhysical therapy license which ususally took many years (in my case its 5 years), you need to finish all the necessary degree units that are needed for you to have a diploma or even for you to take the NPTE. Just consult the school you are planning to take that degree for you to have the proper orientation and the best advise on what subjects should you take and for how long would you study for you to get a BSPT diploma.=D


    9 10

    Most schools have transitioned to doctorate programs, so no massage therapy house will transition. For the DPT programs you just have to have a bachelors degree with a certain number of prerequisites, which are different for different programs and then go through the DPT program which is typically 3 years, some are a semester or two longer and some shorter(mine is two years and 4 months). Good Luck


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