
(9 discussions)

For the last 2 andd 1/2 years I have had pain and cramping in my left leg.
It comes and goes (I can go up to 2 months without problems). I have been on muscle relaxers and infamitorys the entire time. My doctors can not figure out what causes the nerve to flame up. Not only will it cramp but my leg pulls up under me and I have to have someone pull until my hip pops.
I also experence a “tiredness” in my leg like I have been running on it and some numbness/tingling like the leg falls alseep.
I can’t seem to get answers as to way.
I have been told that it is siatica is there any way to tell for sure and what would you suggest to help me?



    9 10

    Have been reading questions sent to you by other’s suffering from siatic pain but cannot find a way to your answers – please advise. Thank you. VHB


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    pain in left glut and down leg to toes??


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    I fell 20 months ago and they say I fractured a disk at L and now after all this time I am having pain in my hips and when it is the right hip it goes down my right leg all the way to the arch of my foot. The knee akes and the foot feels like it is turning out. Any info you can give will be appreciated. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life on pain pills. I am 78 years old in case that helps.


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      I have been sffering for months (since October) with my left leg and the sciatic nerve. The pain went from my hip to my foot. I had a sever limp. I used to walk about 4 Kms almost daily. I haven’t had my daily walk for about 8 months. I finally went to a chiropractor in mid June I have been 10 times (twice a week) and my pain has almost completely subsided. I am back walking each morning but only about 1/2 Km I hope to be back in full stride again in about 2 months


    9 10

    If your pain is in the back of your leg and ..ock like a string being pulled through you in that area but not super painful, just nagging, that’s my sciatica, which I’ve had for over twenty years. I can ease it completely by doing reverse leg curls regularly with light weights and 12 reps, two sets. Maybe every other day instead of every day. Sounds like you may have something different going on. Don’t know you, Just Googled on to you.
    Siatica search.Ex bodybuilder.later.


    9 10

    I have had siatica down my right leg in the past.Now I have pain in my left buttocks. I thought siatica was only on the right side. Could I possibly have siatica problems on both sides? Sincerely, Dan


    9 10

    i have recently had the coil fitted and ever since then I have pain in my left leg and my side. the doctor said I had siatica. could this have anything to do with the coil. it feels like its hitting a nerve in my side


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      hiya there . The arabs use fenugreek for back pain taken over 2 weeks, you just buy the pulse and soak it over night then sip the water through the day, otherwise buy the powder and then place it in muslin and let it soak in water then sip throughout the day . never boil it …


    9 10

    i had back surgery 12 months ago I still have the pain down my leg will it go


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