Slight tear of maniscus

(5 discussions)

Are there exercises I can do to help recover from a slight tear in maniscus of left knee? What activities are best to avoid?


    May PT

    9 10

    I would avoid any activites that puts compression on the knee joint such as, deep squats, especially squatting with weights, whether it’s standing or at an incline. Avoid jumping, running or any activity that you start and stop, like basketball or skiing. Give it a chance to heal up. Here are some exercises you can get started with. Stand against a wall, feet about 12 inches from wall, shoulder width apart. Put a 12 inch towel roll (fold a bath towel in thirds and roll up), squeeze between your knees, slide down the wall about 1/4 of the way and hold for 15-20 seconds…repeat. Do straight leg raises on your back with your foot slightly pointed out to the side. Add weight slowly and as tolerated as not to increase pain. Lay on your side and do side leg lifts. Lie on your back, put the towel roll under you knees, another between your knees…squeeze the roll and kick up the foot on the affected side, keeping your thigh on the towel roll under it. Hold for 3-5 seconds and repeat. Remember, pain is your guide…if it hurts don’t do it. Good luck


    9 10

    I have just learned I need surgery to repair a torn maniscus in two places in my right knee. I am a diabetic and I am concerned about the recovery time after the surgery. Also how the surgery will effect my sugar levels.


    9 10

    Sorry about my message. This is my first time on here. Hope you are better!


    9 10

    left knee menscus tear as per the doctor


    9 10

    I am a sr. citizen and have been diagnosed with slight maniscus tear. Has anyone out there done the cortizone injections. Do they work? Thanks for your help.


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